Monday, June 20, 2005

Peter Pan's Fashion Pages!

Or, in other words, one hella creepy site. I try really hard not to cannibalize the cool stuff my buds link to on their sites, and instead provide links to their blogs for everyone to peruse, but this made an IMPRESSION on me that I still cannot shake. As Darlene, a frequent poster on Sherpa's site pointed out, dude is 50..that's right 3 years younger than my mom, and from the evidence here provided, I have no doubt that he's a child molester. High points to check out are the burgundy Little Lord Fontelroy, The blue dancer, bunny boi and the purple pixie. And the ultimate glitter star fairy. Aw hell, just look at all of em. But don't say I didn't warn you.


Anonymous said...

I just totally threw up...

Joy said...

I heart peter pan. No, more like he makes me a little sick, which is why i like him.

Hmm, I think I'm warped. Nah, just a healthy warped.

Carrie Ann said...

I haven't seen Peter Pan in years! He's added quite a few outfits to the repetoire. I would laugh it all off to eccentricity if it weren't the the absolute "dead" look in his eyes. Has no one ever told this boi about concealer? I mean come on!