Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Anyone that knows me knows I'm a total slut for a good magazine. Especially one with a puckish photo essay. Much as W bugs me for sending me unsolicited magazines and then trying to bill me for them, I must say the oversized mag got me with their newest 60 page "story" on the couple of the moment.
Posted by
6/28/2005 07:45:00 PM
Labels: ex-crush
I've got armhair too, just like LIZ!
To save money, I've been trying to come home to eat my lunch instead of eating out every day. The upshot of that is usually I turn the TV on while I'm eating...and usually I end up watching a movie...and sometimes I take a way longer lunch than I should just because I want to know what happens next. Well today was just such an occasion. TMC started Cat on a Hot Tin Roof just as I pulled up to the house.
I had seen the movie before, probably when I was a freshman, or maybe an 8th grader, back in the days of ye olde Paul Newman crush, a phase every woman goes through. This was one of those movies that when you watch as an adult there is just added meaning. I couldn't believe how GAY Newman's character was. I mean, he must have been, to not wanna smash out with La Liz in THAT SLIP. For that time period, it must have been a huge risk playing a character like that. And Burl Ives was such a pervy character!
But it made me giggle a little because it reminded me of Marnie, the movie I love for the simply risible fact that it tries to convince us that there is a woman on earth that doesn't want to have sex with Sean Connery. Please.
I gotta do something else for lunch. See where this always goes?
Posted by
6/28/2005 07:12:00 PM
Teeny Weenie Mobiles
Will someone help me to understand what the thought process is behind getting lifts put into trucks? I guarantee 99.9% of the trucks on the road with lifts like that NEVER go off-roading. My brother once explained to me that by lifting the chassis, and adding stiffer shocks, it actually makes offroading worse, as in you're more likely to get stuck out in the middle of the lone-ass desert. And, uh, ahem...dudes, if you're thinking it'll impress the ladies...all it makes us think is that you're trying REALLY REALLY hard to overcompensate for things that are a lot smaller than your truck....I also guarantee that every man that sees you driving along in one of those teenie weenie mobiles thinks you're a dumbass jerk. So why do you do it? I sincerely want to know. When are you going to stop doing it? I REALLY REALLY want to know.
Posted by
6/28/2005 06:35:00 PM
Monday, June 27, 2005
Saturday evening I went with my dad to this cocktail party held by Northern Trust, underwriters for the King Tut Exhibit at LACMA. Of course, the biggest hurdle is always what to wear. My bright idea was to rework a caftan that my 5'10" grandmother got from Greece into a neo-sixties mod cocktail dress. As my mom was out of town (thus the reason I was going to the party) and I'm not confident enough in my seamstress abilites...I roped Charity's mom into doing it. And then I had to work late, so that really didn't pan out.
And seeing as how I'm too fat to fit into any of my clothes...that meant scrounge through Jessie's stuff. I finally found a skirt/shirt combo I could deal with. It was presentable but not too flashy. First and formost, it was comfy. Then I began the process of getting ready. Considering that I haven't worn makeup since my brother's wedding in March, this was going to take some doing. I started getting ready at 3ish for a 5:45 departure time. I used to think the only people that took that long getting ready for anything were Drag Queens.
Well, at the party, I met one of my dad's clients, who brought along as her date a gentleman that my dad golfs with. Through the course of discussion throughout the night, I learned 1)Ms. Client was wearing these Prada shoes I'd seen splashed all over Vogue 2)She's got a townhouse in Chelsea in London, a house in PV, a flat in NYC, and a yacht in the Mediterranean...and a Jet, don't forget the Jet. And her date was an vaccuum cleaner salesman that had just divorced a Countess. That's just a whole other realm so beyond any reality I'll ever know.
The buffet was actually really good...even though I had kebab breath 3 hours later. Of the 4500 artifacts that Carter discovered in Tut's tomb, only 50 were in the exhibit. My favorite was the Dog Collar (predictable). And I really was pleasantly surprized by the little trinkets that were lapis lazuli colored. I love electric blue. I really am not that intrigued by that time period though. It just seems to bizzare and cruel for me to care.
Posted by
6/27/2005 09:26:00 AM
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Pauly Shore Update
Just in case anyone was wondering, I did walk around Video Outtakes for like 20 min with Pauly Shore is Dead in my hands before deciding that I didn't want to rent it. But I was totally predictable and got hmmm, a B&W classic from the 40s and a French gangster film.
Posted by
6/25/2005 12:18:00 PM
Friday, June 24, 2005
This is my best friend Charity en route to her cousin's fashion show. I wish you could see the dress she's wearing, cause it's really snazzy. However, I would just like to point out that the plumage coming from her hat is actually gorilla hair. I am not making this up. It's vintage darling, that's what they did back then.
Posted by
6/24/2005 05:00:00 PM
Monday, June 20, 2005
What the hell is wrong with me?
So, saw an ad for Pauly Shore's new show over the weekend. Why am I the only person in america that isn't totally and wholly annoyed by dude? I will even admit to having watched Son-in-Law multiple times. And I'll confess to an internal struggle--well internal in terms of the privacy of my netflix account--every few weeks I add Pauly Shore is Dead to my queue (that word again!) only to remove it a few weeks later, before it can get any closer to actually being delivered to my mail box. What's my problem? Afraid it's gonna be bad? Honey, I know it's going to be AWFUL...I just can't admit to myself that I'm that much of a Pauly fan. Renting it would be my tacit acknowledgment that Pauly still has some bizarre-ass pull on me, and damn it, he does.
Posted by
6/20/2005 09:40:00 PM
Peter Pan's Fashion Pages!
Or, in other words, one hella creepy site. I try really hard not to cannibalize the cool stuff my buds link to on their sites, and instead provide links to their blogs for everyone to peruse, but this made an IMPRESSION on me that I still cannot shake. As Darlene, a frequent poster on Sherpa's site pointed out, dude is 50..that's right 3 years younger than my mom, and from the evidence here provided, I have no doubt that he's a child molester. High points to check out are the burgundy Little Lord Fontelroy, The blue dancer, bunny boi and the purple pixie. And the ultimate glitter star fairy. Aw hell, just look at all of em. But don't say I didn't warn you.
Posted by
6/20/2005 09:02:00 PM
The Opposite of Sex
That was the first place I heard of Bananas Foster, a down home N'awlins specialty. Charity and I tried to find recipies, but they always involved rum. Well, I think this Ice Cream should be forbidden by the word of wisdom too, because the effect on the body is just as awful. Oh, but the way it tastes! I had an ex-something that used to say that Ice Cream calories don't count because all it's good for is filling in the cracks in your stomach. Circuitous logic, but for this stuff, any plausible excuse with which I can justify my behavior is good enough for me. I am such a cliche.
Posted by
6/20/2005 07:51:00 PM
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Jackson returns to Lakers as head coach
No Comment. Actually, I lied. Kobe Sucks.
Posted by
6/14/2005 09:50:00 PM
Rob Morrow's Bookshelf
This picture would be so much better without the earrings.
Ok, am I ashamed to admit that every Friday night at 10 pm you will find me plunked infront of the TV watching Numbers, that awful show? Yes.
I actually don't give a crap about the plots, and am just watching it for Rob Morrow. I guess I'm a late comer to the fanclub. Never saw any of the Northern Exposure shows, although I guess I could check them out now on DVD. What keeps me from doing that though is John Corbett. He of Not-Sexy-Aidan fame. Except I will say that Aidan was HOT the second time he and Carrie got together, but I digress.
Can I be even more ashamed that I was surfing Oprah's website on such a deep and penetrating level, that I found Rob's bookshelf? I was impressed that the Da Vinci Code was not on it. Although Joseph Campbell is a tough call, cause it either means he's into lit crit, or it means he's trying to hide the fact that he's an inveterate Star Wars geek. The latter, not so sexy. What is it with this guy and Patrick Dempsey? I'm a total late comer to both, and we just can't get enough of them. Patric Dempsey even as a geeky nerdling in Can't Buy Me Love is DIVINE! But I will not watch that crappy Grey's Anatomy. Even though it landed Patrick on the cover of TV Guide as sexiest guy on TV. That I can agree with. Well, maybe in a tie with Rob Morrow.
Posted by
6/14/2005 09:48:00 PM
Economics of Scale
LA Pillow
The first thing you learn in Econ 150 @ BYU is that it pays to specialize. That's why I'm so grateful that someone out there finally got a site up selling these retro kitschy travel pillows, so I don't have to make one. Ever since Kim Bassinger's character in LA Confidential had one on her bed, I've coveted one. But they're $136!!!! Pricey. And how's this for math....the California pillow apparently takes 40 hours to stitch by hand. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that means that someone's getting paid $3.40 an hour to stitch...and that's not even including materials or a profit margin. Something's fishy....I don't know if I quite believe that it's hand stitched. And you thought english majors couldn't do math.
And it's kinda cheezy to have an LA pillow living in LA. So maybe I can get it for my sister as a housewarming gift when she moves to Vegas. I could get the Ski Colorado one for myself. Or the France or Italy one. Again when I got mo papes.
Posted by
6/14/2005 05:58:00 PM
Friday, June 10, 2005
Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim - Calendar
Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim - Calendar: "Freestyle Explosion Explodes at the Arrowhead Pond!!!
Don't miss the hot beats and mega-hits as Freestyle Explosion brings together Stevie B., Lisa Lisa, The Cover Girls, Debbie Deb, David Torres (formerly of Nice & Wild), Shannon, Pretty Poison, Cynthia, Sugar Hill Gang, Vaughan Mason and Crew, and Brick to Southern California. This superstar lineup featuring all your freestyle, soul, rap and R&B favorites takes the stage at the Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim on Saturday, June 11th."
Yeah, well, I missed it, I'm so bummed.
Posted by
6/10/2005 11:09:00 PM
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Wow, this really is turning into baseball blog isn't it?
So Tuesday night was the season premiere of Queer Eye featuring The Boston Red Sox. I NEVER watch Queer Eye, but had to admit the concept was intriguing. So Jessie and I were in place for some good old down home mullets and homophobia. Man those Sox were uncomfortable. Carson had a few bon mots, but also some ideas that were a little too outré. Like Johnny Damon's stripe on stripe ensemble--Carson trying way too hard. Although I will grant that with a little grooming...I could see what Sherpa sees in Damon. Carson is just way more into pink than any human has a right to be. That's my dose of Queer Eye for the year.
Posted by
6/09/2005 08:29:00 AM
Monday, June 06, 2005
So my new Identity is Art Investor. I've decided, I'm gonna make it happen. Thanks to Domino Magazine for getting me started with a list of Art Fairs.
Best (most affordable) for Newcomers
The Armory Show
New Art Dealers
Hipster Magnet
Posted by
6/06/2005 05:59:00 PM
I made this!
This is my gorgeous spring flower spray that I made for my brother's wedding with Apricot branches, tuberoses, varicolored roses and...hmmm...let's see what else... baby calla lillies, and whatever those tiny flowers were. Those were the most expensive of the lot. I have to say I'm very proud of it.
Posted by
6/06/2005 04:45:00 PM
Posted by
6/06/2005 04:27:00 PM
Labels: anglophilia, crushes