Monday, February 27, 2006

What's Going On?

I have a fever and the only thing that can cure it is...eclairs. I can't even remember the last time I ate an eclair. I can't ever remember in my life craving one. But don't worry I managed to eat 4 near approximations today. I say near approximations, because I ended up having to buy eclairs from the freezer section of the 3rd store I went to in the quest to satisfy my BELLY. And we all know that freezing something makes it just a little bit off.

I was going to ration myself to two today and two tomorrow, but who are we kidding. The interesting thing being that upon consuming 2 eclairs, I was immediately hit with a desire to eat scrambled eggs. So don't worry I ate those too. Once I finished the eggs...You're so smart, I had more cravings for eclairs. So I polished off the box. Come on, we all knew that I would.


Anonymous said...

That eclaire in the pic looks way gross.

Joy said...

eclairs are up there on my food priority list. Below candy, above licorice (licorice isn't candy)